اعلان بحوث التخرج لطلبة المرحلة الخامسة في فرع طب اسنان الاطفال والوقائي

 فيما يلي اسماء التدريسيين المشرفين على بحوث التخرج واسماء الطلبة وعناوين البحوث:

اسماء التدريسيين المشرفين

اسماء الطلبة

عناوين البحوث التخرج

د.ندى جعفر الشيخ راضي 

رفل هيثم فؤاد

Caries experience and salivary flow rate among 12-years old-school children / Baghdad city .

رسل جعفر هادي

Mortality of 1st permanent molars among 6-12 years children attending dental hospitals /College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .      

د.بيداء حسين عبد عون 

دينا اياد علي

CPITN among 3rd year dental students /College of Dentistry ,University of Baghdad  

دعاء قاسم نعيم

 Smoking and gingival health status among 3rd year dental students /College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .

د.الحان احمد قاسم

رامي عدي يوسف

Prosthodontics treatment needs among patients attending college of dentistry university of Baghdad  .

دعاء رعد ابا ذر

Dental stain in relation to caries experience among patients attending dental hospitals /College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad . 

د.ايمان كاظم جلوب 

دينا حامد عبيد

Smoking and dental stain among fifth year dental students /College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .

دينا امين خيري

Dental knowledge ,behavior and attitude among hemophiliac patients  

ذو الفقار ضياء سلمان

Dental wear among children attending  college of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .

د.نادية عفتان زغير 

رنا رزاق نور

Caries experience in relation to level of parents education among children attending college of dentistry university of baghdad  .

ريم رحيم حسين

Caries   experience in relation to nutritional status among kindergarten children  Baghdad city .  

د.اسيل حيدر محمد جواد

زهراء عبد الامير

Mortality of primary molars among 6-7 years old children in  Baghdad city .  

زينب عبد الحسن

Eruption of 1st permanent molars in relation to nutritional status among 6-7 years old children in Baghdad city.

د.زينب جمعة جعفر

زهراء عامر توفيق

Restored teeth among 6-12 years old children attending college of dentistry university of Baghdad  .

رولا امين حكمت

Missing teeth among 6-12 years old children attending college of dentistry university of Baghdad  .

د.نبال محمد هوبي 

ريام حسن حامد

Tooth wear among 3rd year dental students / College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .

زينب حارث علي

Oral cleanliness among 3rd year dental students / College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .

د.محمد قحطان اسماعيل 

ريم زكي شكر

Eruption of permanent teeth among 6-12 years children attending college of dentistry , university of Baghdad  .


زينب شاكر سكران

Attitude of fifth year dental students concerning infection control in pedodontic clinic / College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .

د.جمان ضياء خيون 

زينب سداد محمد

Feeding pattern in relation to caries experience among 6 years old school children / Baghdad city  

زينه طارق محمد

Smoking and dental caries among 3rd year dental students / College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .

د.منى عبد الله سليم 

زينب قاسم مهدي

Traumatized anterior teeth among secondary school girls  . / Baghdad city .

زيد شاكر عبد محمد

T.M.J disorder among 5th years dental students college of dentistry university of baghdad  .

د.شهباء منذر عبدالجبار 

زينب طارق طالب

Occupational hazards among fifth year dental students/ College of Dentistry , University of Baghdad  .

زينب عبد الوهاب حميد

Dietary analysis in relation to occurrence of dental caries among fifth year dental students   college of dentistry , University of Baghdad  .